Casino West Public School

Dream Believe Achieve

Telephone02 6662 1916

Little Jarjums Preschool

Welcome to Little Jarjums Preschool.

Our Educators focus is to teach and develop the abilities of each child in a safe and caring environment. Parents and carers are a vital link to this process. We welcome and encourage all feedback and suggestions from you.

Every year we update our philosophy at Preschool to reflect our current children, families, staff, school and wider community. Here is a testimonial from a parent in March 2023:

"Such a beautiful environment that is extremely welcoming. 

Your philosophy is great - just like all of the staff.

I am very certain that sending Xahli to Little Jarjums Preschool will help her to grow and learn, with support and guidance from wonderful Educators." 


In August we had an incursion from Stingless Bee Buzz .

Crystal White provided the following feedback:

"I travel around to schools and preschools in the Northern Rivers region. I see so many preschools and I must say your preschool is by far the strongest cultural representation I've seen. I could feel it from the moment I walked in. Artwork, greetings, mats, philsophy and staff. I especially loved the way the kids called their team member 'Aunty Leanne' this is just beautiful and it made my heart sing. I'm originally from the Northern Territory which has huge cultural representation everywhere so it was so lovely to see culture representing so strongly here at Little Jarjums Preschool."  



To enrol at Little Jarjums Preschool your child must be four years old by 31 July in the year of enrolment.

Our opening hours are between 9.15am-3.15pm during school term.

We look forward to hearing from you and can be contacted on 02 6662 8995.  

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