Casino West Public School

Dream Believe Achieve

Telephone02 6662 1916

Rules and policies

Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.

Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.

Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.

Attendance and absences

Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.

In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.

For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:

School frameworks (school rules)

As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.

Casino West Public School Wellbeing Policy

CWPS students

The school’s Wellbeing Policy consists of five parts:

  1. School rules
  2. Rights and responsibilities
  3. Strategies to promote effective learning and behaviour
  4. Practices designed to recognise and reinforce student achievement
  5. Strategies for dealing with unacceptable behaviour.

Contacting our School

At times you will need to make contact with the school. The following document outlines our policy and procedures in this area:

Communicating with the School Procedures


Consent Forms

school logo

Each year families are sent home a 7 elements consent form. This form covers the following elements:

1. Permission to publish student work and/or projects on the school web or other internet sights.

2. Internet Code of Behaviour Users Agreement.

3. Child Protection Program.

4. Drug Education Program.

5. Reproducing of photos in school publications, newspapers and DEC publications.

6. Permission for students to have an e-Learning Account.

7. Primary student web services acceptable usage agreement.

See below  for detailed information, including terms and conditions where applicable:

1. Permission to publish student work and/or projects on the school web pages or other internet sites

It is a directive from the Department of Education & Training that all schools must obtain the written permission of parents/guardians before publishing student work on the Internet. The school has also been instructed that we are not to publish the home address, telephone number or personal email address of any student. The school will not publish photographs of individual students without the written permission of the student and the parent/guardian.

We are seeking your permission to publish, in the future, project materials, including text, graphics and images (but not including photographs of your son or daughter) created by your child. If your son or daughter is identified, it will be by their given name only. This document is to be read in conjunction with the “Internet Code of Behaviour Users Agreement.”

2. Internet Code of Behaviour Users Agreement

As a general policy, staff at this school support student equity of access to both information and information technology. We are aware however that unacceptable material is available whilst using the Internet. In keeping with our school’s aim of a safe environment for all students, the school has developed an Internet Usage Policy. A copy of this policy is available to interested persons at the school. Please take the time to read and discuss the Code of Behaviour agreement with your child and sign it if you wish. Students will not be able to access the internet unless written permission is obtained from parents/guardians and returned to the school on this form.

The Agreement-

o I will not give out personal information about myself, other students, staff or parents.

o I will not send a person my picture without permission.

o I will not give out any information about my school without permission.

o I will not access sites with socially unacceptable material.

o I will inform my teacher immediately if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable.

o I will not download socially unacceptable material.

o I will comply with the copyright laws relating to downloaded materials.

3. Child Protection Program

The Child Protection program, implemented by the Department of Education & Training, is a part of the school’s Personal Development curriculum which involves teaching in areas such as self-esteem, interpersonal communication, assertiveness, feelings, values, decision making, gender stereotypes, sexuality and relationships. Child protection education is concerned with reducing the incidence of all forms of child abuse, including sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect and emotional abuse. In teaching this program, human parts are identified using the correct anatomical terms. If you would like to discuss the program, or have a look at the teaching material, please contact your child’s teacher.

4. Drug Education Program

This is also an initiative of the Department of Education & Training. Education about the use of medications begins in the early years of schooling and targets safe use and administration. Lessons on the effects and risks of tobacco use begin in the middle years of primary school, and issues relating to alcohol will be introduced in the later years of primary. Annual visits by the Life Education Van complement and support this program. If you have any queries, please contact your child’s teacher. A permission note is required before children may be included in this program.

5. Reproducing of Photos in School Publications, Newspapers, DEC publications and Online Communication Tools

School staff endeavour to take photographs of students when they are participating in sporting events, excursions, and day to day activities both in and out of the classroom.

Periodically we are asked to supply photographs in one of the local newspapers, or a Department of Education and Training publication to illustrate an event, whether it be school based or more generalised e.g. a community event. It is necessary for us to have the written consent of parents/guardians before we publish or allow photographs to be published.

Consent: Publication of Photos: I give my permission for Casino West Public School to:-

o Publish photos of my child whose name appears over in school publications.

o Communicate via Class Dojo (refer Class Dojo Terms and Conditions) including publishing photos of my child.

o I also give permission for any photographs of my child to be forwarded to any local newspaper, Department of Education & Training publication, or other publication deemed appropriate by the Principal.

6. Permission for Primary Students to have an e-Learning Account

If you give permission for your child to use the NSW DEC web services please ensure he or she reads the agreement below and understands it before both of you sign over the page.

I understand the responsibilities my child has accepted.

I agree to my child using the NSW DEC web services at school for education purposes in accordance with the student acceptable usage agreement.

I agree to abide by the student acceptable usage agreement.

PLEASE NOTE: The NSW Department of Education and Communities is not responsible for any web browsing your child may undertake from home, or from other locations away from school of TAFE. The NSW DEC recommends the use of appropriate filtering software.

7. Primary student web services acceptable usage agreement

The computers, network and web services are provided for me to use to help me with my work in class.

I have completed lessons explaining how I will use these services in a proper manner and understand that I must abide by the following when using my e-learning account from any computer:

o I will use the computer to learn about many things.

o I will only use the school computer with the permission of a teacher.

o I will follow all teacher instructions when using school computers.

o I will not let anybody else know what my password is.

o I know I am responsible for all activity in my e-learning account.

o I know that the school and the NSW Department of Education and Training can see anything I send or receive.

o I will tell my teacher if I think someone has interfered with my e-learning account.

o I will make sure that any email I send or work I wish to publish is polite and carefully written and presented.

o I will only read my own email.

o I will only use my first name when communicating with others or publishing work.

o I will not give out my own or others’ address or phone number.

o I will only use material from other web sites if I have permission to do so.

o If I use material in my work that I have found on the web services I will acknowledge its source.

o I will tell my teacher straight away if I find any information that makes me feel uncomfortable.

o I will not damage or disable the computers, computer systems or computer networks of the school, the NSW Department of Education and Communities or any other organisation.