Casino West Public School

Dream Believe Achieve

Telephone02 6662 1916

Planting Trees for The Queen's Jubilee

Queen's Jubilee logo

Planting Trees for The Queen's Jubliee 

Planting Trees for The Queen's Jubilee

Official Ceremony for Planting Trees for The Queen's Jubilee 2022

Planting Trees for The Queen's Jubilee Stage 1 - 58 native trees have been planted.

Stage 2 June 2023 Planting Trees for The Queen's Jubliee

Stage 2 planting of 53 native flowering plants.

Stage 3 Bush Tucker Garden

Stage 3 Bush Tucker Garden

Bush Tucker Plantings

Stage 3 Planting Trees for The Queen's Jubilee was held on Friday 18 August 2023. Kindergarten to Year 2 students planted 40 bush tucker plants in the north-west playground area of Casino West Public School. 

Dorroughby Field Study Centre also attended on the day and helped students plant trees. 

The next stage will be a larger rainforest garden which will be completed by November 2023. 

Stage 3 Bush Tucker Garden

Stage 4 Final Planting Queen's Jubilee Tree Planting

Description of Queen's Jubilee grant for tree plantings

Casino West P&C Association will complete the project for the tree planting with a further 53 bush tucker and native rainforest trees in the north west playground area. The area of the new garden is approximately 120 cubic metres. The gardens have been mounded with soil, compost and mulch ready for planting of the trees. Students from the school have planted these trees  at the beginning of November and they are growing well with the rain we have had recently. 

The total area of gardens we have planted wih the grant total approximately 200 cubic meters that has now been planted with varieties of native flowering grevilleas, bush tucker and rainforest tube and stock trees local to the Casino/Bundjalung region.

With the planting of these gardens the grant has acknowledged The Queen's service to Australia, the Commonwealth and the legacy she leaves. In the years to come all community will enjoy the gardens in providing shade, food, habitat corridors and tree canopies in the school grounds. The project has taken 16 months to complete and we thank the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources for the $20,000 grant and to everyone who has contributed to this worthwhile project in the school grounds. 


Stage 4 ready for planting native forest and bush tucker food trees.